"Stop NATO"?
If you have spent time looking at people's collections of 88x31 web buttons, you may have come across this "STOP NATO" button.
This page presents some information about why a button like this would exist, including some relatively recent articles on the topic as well as some archived web pages and graphics from the 90s and 2000s relating to campaigns/slogans such as "STOP NATO" and "Put NATO on trial", many of which are related to the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. The revelations about Operation Gladio had also occurred earlier in the 1990s, revealing the involvement of various western institutions (including NATO) in organizing and supporting right-wing false flag terror attacks throughout Europe, orchestrated to promote crackdowns against the left. Other materials on this page relate to the recruitment of Nazi generals, admirals, propagandists etc. into NATO, including major positions of leadership.
Quotes about NATO
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia: "unrestricted aerial attacks of the kind NATO rained down upon Yugoslavia are prohibited under international law"
"It may come as a surprise—or an irrelevancy—to some, but unrestricted aerial attacks of the kind NATO rained down upon Yugoslavia are prohibited under international law. Destroying a country's infrastructure, its waterworks, power plants, bridges, factories, hospitals, schools, churches, agriculture, civilian transportation, and communications system—not to mention the attendant loss of life and injury to civilians—is nothing less than a horrendous war crime. Yet, the realities of power being what they are, major war criminals such as Clinton, Blair, and their associates go unchallenged." -- Parenti, Michael. (2000). To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia. Chapter: "NATO's War Crimes."
Nazi recruitment into NATO: "there is a clear connection from the Nazis to the U.S. occupiers to the West German military to NATO"
"The historical facts are clear. Instead of facing trial and paying for the countless crimes they planned and committed, Heusinger, Speidel and other prominent Nazi war criminals were given a free pass by the Anglo-Americans. Instead of being made accountable, they were rewarded for their service to the Nazis by being given key roles in rebuilding the West German army to oppose the Soviet Union and by being appointed as key NATO functionaries in Europe for the same nefarious purposes. There is a clear connection from the Nazis to the U.S. occupiers to the West German military to NATO that once again exposes NATO’s true role." -- TML Daily.
NATO and Operation Gladio: "attacks were usually blamed on far-left groups [...] these bombings and attacks turned out to be the work of small neo-Nazi and fascist groups who were essentially puppets of the state, NATO and (at arms length) the CIA and MI6"
"[B]eginning in 1969, a series of terrorist outrages struck throughout Europe. The attacks were usually blamed on far-left groups like the Red Army Faction in Germany and the Red Brigades in Italy. In reality, many (if not most) of these bombings and attacks turned out to be the work of small neo-Nazi and fascist groups who were essentially puppets of the state, NATO and (at arms length) the CIA and MI6 [...] At the same time as secretly orchestrating these attacks, the governments used these events as pretexts to crack down on left-wing parties that were viewed as a challenge to the capitalist establishment, especially the communist parties of Italy, France and Belgium." -- Winstanley, Ava. (2022). How the CIA and Italy's secret state manipulated the right and infiltrated the left.Back to top
Archived web pages and graphics
Note: Year listed refers only to the linked snapshot date, there may be multiple snapshots available at multiple dates. The pages themselves may be older than the listed date.
⚠️WARNING: As many of these pages are about a bombing campaign, some of them may feature graphic descriptions and/or photos of the events and aftermath, or link to pages which contain such material. Likewise, different archive snapshot dates may potentially contain such content. Snapshots below which are known to show such content directly on the linked page are marked with a warning.⚠️
- Resources on Kosovo War - ZNet's Original Essays and Selected Links Regarding the NATO Bombings (2003) "This is the Crisis Site we had online during the Bombings... Save for the addition of some articles, to capture the flavor, we have left it as it was at the time."
- NATO-Yugoslav War Internet Resources (2000)
- NATO War Crimes - NATO on Trial (2002)
- stopnato.home-page.org (2001)
- Tisma's Views Bulletin (2004)
- Against the meeting of the world-war-elite! (2001)
- NATO's War on Serbia (2000)
- Comments: NATO (2000) "Great job you did out there americans...Just a few hundreds of innocent people have died...and how many more are they going to follow ??? What the fuck do you want ??? What's next? The WW III ? Ei, BILL smoke your "lewinsky" cigar and leave everybody in peace and quiet.My god can you fuckin' believe it?He was going to get NOBEL prize for piece,this warmaker!!!!!"
- ⚠️WARNING: the following link includes graphic photos of bombing aftermath: U.S/NATO TERRORISM IN YUGOSLAVIA (2009) "U.S/U.N/NATO IMPERIALISTS OUT OF THE BALKANS!"
- ⚠️WARNING: the following includes graphic photos of bombing aftermath: Here is what they are calling help !!! (1999)
Except for addressing inferiority complex of American generals and German revanchists defeated in the Second World War, air strikes against Yugoslavia would open a new page in the history ushering in great uncertainty, fear and anxiety in the wake of new destruction and new wars.
(Source: "THIS IS WHAT WE SAID IN OCTOBER 1998." on kosovo.net)
Clicking on the bomb image below will take you to a page which plays an .mp3 of bombs dropping, as the uploader states: "Listen to the bombs falling on my hometown in 1999 ...".
Clicking on the text "1999" links to an image which shows burning buildings⚠️
This cropped screenshot (left, click here to view) comes from the home page of chess player Jovan Petronic. |
Nazis in NATO
Finding work for Nazis post-WWII
"A clandestine German intelligence organization was to be set up [...] The organization was to be financed by the Americans [...] in return the organization would supply all its intelligence reports to the Americans."
In 1972, former Nazi intelligence official Reinhard Gehlen, who had been in charge of Nazi Germany's intelligence and connections with clandestine fascist organizations in Eastern Europe, wrote in his memoir about his reasons for surrendering to the US and offering them his services:
"My view was that there would be a place even for Germany in a Europe rearmed for defense against communism. Therefore we must set our sights on the Western powers, and give ourselves two objectives: to help defend against Communist expansion and to recover and reunify Germany's lost territories [...] I felt that the common defense interests of the Western powers must inevitably lead them to recognize that without Germany all Europe was lost. This was why we could realistically expect them to show an interest in exploiting our intelligence service for espionage work in the East [...] so that someday a future German government could take the organization over, using our present staff as the expert nucleus." -- Gehlen, Reinhard. (1972.) The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen. (p. 107-8.)
Note that the "present staff" to become the "expert nucleus" referred to in the above quote were the Third Reich's intelligence personnel.
Gehlen states in his memoir that an unspoken "gentlemen's agreement" was arrived at between him and US intelligence, "which for a variety of reasons we never set down in black and white". (Gehlen, p. 121)
According to Gehlen:
"A clandestine German intelligence organization was to be set up, using the existing potential to continue information gathering in the East just as we had been doing before. The basis for this was our common interest in a defense against communism. [...] This German organization was to work not "for" or "under" the Americans, but "jointly with the Americans." [...] The organization would operate exclusively under German leadership, which would receive its directives and assignments from the Americans until a new government was established in Germany. [...] The organization was to be financed by the Americans with funds which were not to be part of the occupation costs, and in return the organization would supply all its intelligence reports to the Americans." (Gehlen, p. 122)
Gehlen's activities post-WII are referred to as the "Gehlen Organization." This refers to his efforts to find positions of work for various Nazis in Western intelligence organizations and skirt the de-Nazification process in Germany, and includes supplying labor and information to NATO. Video about the Gehlen Organization: How Nazism Survived in Germany | Organisation Gehlen.
List of some Nazis in NATO
- General Hans Speidel - 1957 Commander-in-chief of NATO's Allied Forces Central Europe (AFCENT)[1]
- Admiral Friedrich Guggenberger - joined the NATO military committee in Washington[1], Deputy Chief of Staff in the NATO command Armed Forces North (AFNORTH) 1968-72[2]
- General Adolf Heusinger - NATO's chief of staff 1963-4 (formerly "Adolf Hitler’s Chief of the General Staff of the Army")[2]
- Col. Heinz Koller-Kraus - head of logistics at Speidel’s AFCENT.[1]
- Sturmführer Dr. Eberhard Taubert - assigned to NATO’s Psychological Warfare Department.[1,2] (formerly "worked with Goebbels in the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda where he was responsible for designing the yellow badge for Jews")[2]
- Johannes Steinhoff - Chairman of the NATO Military Committee 1971-74[2]
- Johann von Kielmansegg - "NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe, 1967-68"[2] (formerly General Staff officer to the High Command of the Wehrmacht)[2]
- Ernst Ferber - NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe, 1973-75[2]
- Karl Schnell - NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe, 1975-77[2]
- Franz Joseph Schulze - NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe, 1977-79[2]
- Ferdinand von Senger und Etterline - NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe, 1979-83[2]
- Rodvik, Robert S. (2012). "NATO's Nazi Beginnings." Off Guardian.
- MacDonald, Dougal. (2022)."U.S. Built NATO By Putting Nazi War Criminals in Charge." TML Daily.
On the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia
- The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010) (Documentary) "Boris Malagurski's award-winning Canadian film "The Weight of Chains", dealing with the breakup of Yugoslavia"
- Yugoslavia: Ten years after the NATO massacre (Article) "On March 24, 1999, the Clinton administration ordered the bombing of Yugoslavia. During the 78 days of the bombing campaign, NATO warplanes flew over 35,000 combat missions against 200 Yugoslav cities and towns. They targeted apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, factories and other workplaces. Bridges, refineries, the power grid, the Chinese Embassy, the Belgrade TV station, even prisons and graveyards were all hit. The attack turned more than 1 million people into refugees."
- NATO’s 1999 aggression against Yugoslavia: Global turning point (Article) "While it was falsely presented by NATOized mass media as “humanitarian intervention,” in fact it was a war of NATO/U.S. geo-political expansion towards the East [...] Thus NATO did not only wage the first war on European soil [since World War II] but at the same time gave extraordinary impetus to the process of intensive militarization of the Old Continent, the entire European continent."
- NATO’s war against Yugoslavia: the ghost that still haunts Europe (Article) "Whether in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya or Syria, we should never forget the lives of ordinary people lost to repeated bombardment, the crumbling walls under the shells, the glorious historical sites consumed by the flames. The U.S. and some Western countries have kept their mouths open about human rights and kept their mouths shut about their responsibilities … When they blatantly launched a war against a sovereign country without the Security Council’s authorization, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and the dispersal of millions of people, did they ever care about the human rights of the people in those countries?"
On NATO history, Operation Gladio, and the Gehlen Organization
- Inside Operation Gladio: How NATO supported Nazis and terrorists. (Video/podcast interview) "Benjamin Norton is joined by journalist Asa Winstanley to discuss Operation Gladio, the NATO “stay behind” networks in which the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies recruited, armed, and trained former Nazis, other fascists, and right-wing terrorists to wage a war on the left."
- NATO's secret Nazi armies. (Article) "How the CIA and MI6 created Operation Gladio, a Cold War terror network riddled with Nazis."
- Operation Gladio The Ring Masters Cold War - BBC Timewatch (1992) (Documentary) "This 3-part series exposes the clandestine 'stay-behind' operation sponsored by the CIA and NATO to counter communist influence after World War II in Italy, as well as in other European countries." Also available here on archive.org.
- How Nazism Survived in Germany | Organisation Gehlen (Video) "Right-wing extremism has seen a steep rise in the Federal Republic of Germany. The far-right AfD party with openly fascist elements has become the second most popular party according to recent polls. In this series, we're exploring the history of the Nazi contaminated institutions in the German state, such the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), the Germany, secret intelligence agency, which came out of the Organisation Gehlen, organized by the CIA - in collaboration with NATO - in their common fight against communism inside and outside Germany."
- Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies (Article) "Newly declassified British Foreign Office files have added disturbing details to the history of Operation Gladio. The covert operation was uncovered in 1990, when the public learned that the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks."
Keywords for independent research: Gehlen Organization, Operation Paperclip, Operation Gladio.